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Men's Ministries

 At Life Changers we believe in empowering every believer in the body of Christ. However, there is no time greater than now for the empowerment of our MEN. EmpowerMENt is built for the building, encouraging, and empowering of our older and younger generations of Men. Titus 2:12 "Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldy lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world." It is the vision of empowerMENt to impact and empower the male believer with

transformative truths that enable men to experience a richer fuller relationship with Christ.

Our approach is a practical, pragmatic assessment of obstacles and the removing of blockages that

have historically deterred them from being successful in Kingdom growth. It is our vision to

enhance and guide men into Biblically sound relationships in their families and churches by

making continual deposits into their spiritual, emotional, and economic development as they

seek their rightful place in the Kingdom of God!

When Do We Meet? 

We meet every 1st Monday and 4th Wednesday of the month at 7pm. 

What are some things we discuss?

Developing Long Term Relationships

Building Self Esteem

Power, Control, Love

Managing to disagree

The Power and Stuggle of Porn

Dealing With The Husband Duties

Being A Worshiper

It's Okay To Cry

Dealing With My Past

Can I Be Apart of the Meeting?

You can be apart of our meetings without beeing a member of the church. We're here to empower everyman, in evreyway, for everyday living. 

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